FoodZaps wins hands-down
I run the front service with 2 servers plus 1 bartender only, even when the restaurant is full. Once guests are ready to place orders, we walk to their tables with FoodZaps mobile devices instead of pen and paper. We enter the orders and press “Confirm” on our mobile devices. Almost immediately, the drinks counter, kitchen, cashier receive the orders while we are still standing at the tables!

We don’t walk back and forth the restaurant so many times now. We save lots of time, energy and give better services at the tables – pour water, serve bread baskets promptly, give more attention to our guests’ needs. We even receive positive comments about our service quality and consistency in Tripadvisor.

I’m relieved FoodZaps allows us to update menu and dish photos in the system quickly because we introduce new dishes and promotions often. I used to take about 1 hour to update a new set menu in MICROS and Angeliss Systems. Now I take only 15 minutes with FoodZaps.

It’s also easy to train my staff use FoodZaps.

I usually need to demonstrate the system just once, takes less than an hour. Because the interface is easy to understand and each function takes one simple click. By the time I finish, everyone already gets the knack to use the system right away!

FoodZaps wins hands-down.


– Muhammed Azli, Operations Manager, Sela Restaurant, Singapore